Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Journal Febuary 23, 2008

During the break I had a lot of fun The best parts were that we got to stay up late and watch star wars and and wake up and sleep in bed late. Me and my family watched The Pink Panther 2 and Coraline in 3D. We also went to the place were the Elephant seals mate at this time, I found a lot of shells and a almost perfectly circular flat rock. The worst part was when I sleep walked for the first time I some how got out of my bunk bed from the top and picked up a sheet of paper and walked up a stair case to my parents room and went to them and told them I needed help with homework which I did not have and then woke up in their bed but I did not remember a thing and I did not know why I was there then my parents told me what happened.

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